Download Gps Software for Sd Card Updated FREE

Download Gps Software for Sd Card

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Version changes 3.8.1

  • Automatic choice of data drove method (alarm/jobschedule) has been added
  • Information in the window "About the application" has been expanded
  • Bug with switching language on Android nine has been stock-still
  • Problems with missing translation of some messages to EN has been fixed
  • Bug with freezing of the wi-fi way when deleting a network has been fixed
  • Bug with the crash of the wi-fi settings in the case of editing the settings from the personal business relationship on the service has been stock-still

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The app is designed for existent time monitoring of moving objects. The working principle is based on hardware GPS-trackers: which receive coordinates and send it to the server at a specified fourth dimension interval.

The app works in ii modes: continuous and energy saving.

In continuous way, the app continuously receives GPS coordinates and sends it to the server. Minimal sending catamenia is 1 sec.
Continuous mode allows separating operations of collecting and sending data. Yous tin can accrue coordinates in storage with a low frequency and transport it after a long time catamenia.

In saving way, the tracker switches on periodically to receive GPS coordinates at a specified interval.

You can shut or minimize the app after launch and information technology volition continue working in groundwork style.

Changes in version three.8

  • The ability to prepare the priority of wi-fi events before other events has been added
  • The ability to ship a bulletin by the SOS button to messengers/email has been added
  • Module for checking fictitious coordinates has been improved
  • The ability to connect the tracker equally a examination one has been added
  • Login/registration module has been improved:
  • - The ability to recover password has been added
  • - The ability to create or edit a unique identifier when logging into an business relationship has been added
  • - Bug with login form crash on some devices has been fixed
  • The ability to send a message with coordinates to messengers/electronic mail in one case in the schedule has been added
  • Bugs take been fixed

Changes in version 3.7

  • Restored admission to the root folder of the application in the internal memory for Android xi (R)
  • A problems with a hanging notification in the mode of switching states via wi-fi has been fixed
  • For Android 8 and ix, a bug with admission to notification management has been fixed
  • Stabilized the initial brandish of the tracker when you get to the screen "Map"
  • A bug with calculating the mileage and cartoon the track in the recording mode of the runway file without sending it to the monitoring server has been fixed

Changes in version three.v

  • Algorithm for switching tracker modes based on the country of wi-fi networks has been improved
  • The ability to automatically delete technical log files has been added
  • Password entry for settings has been improved - the countersign is entered only one time and is valid until y'all exit the application
  • Notifications have been improved, now they take a clearer clarification and the ability to disable certain channels
  • Display of information when clicking on the tracker icon on the "Map" screen has been improved
  • The rules for granting permissions for the application have been changed in accordance with the Google policy
  • A bug in choosing a date in the agenda when editing an unlimited tracking link has been fixed
  • A issues with app stopping when swiping on Android six and 7 has been fixed
  • A bug with no password for settings on the "Application Options" screen has been fixed
  • A issues with notifications about collecting statistics in the "Appearance" - "Screens" setting has been stock-still
  • Data transfer format for Wialon 2.0 protocol in the "Boosted monitoring server" setting has been fixed
  • Bugs have been fixed

Changes in version 3.iv

  • A bug with missing menu in links has been fixed
  • A bug with saving a folder in the "Record track to file" mode has been fixed
  • A issues when displaying a listing of wi-fi networks has been fixed
  • The problem of "blinking" notification when working through JobSchedule has been fixed

Changes in version 3.2

  • Bugs have been fixed

Changes in version 3.ane

  • Interface has been apdated
  • The "Indicator panel" screen has been converted to ii new screens: "Statistics" and "Application parameters"
  • Screen "Map" has been added
  • Right menu has been added
  • Awarding settings have been rearranged and moved to the right card
  • A status log, showing the main states of the application, has been added
  • Changes have been made to the rules for using the application without registering an account / adding a tracker to the monitoring service

Changes in version 3.0

  • The power to do duplicate sending to other monitoring servers has been added
  • The ability for other servers to select a data transfer protocol has been added
  • The ability to use a PIN code instead of the main password from the business relationship has been added
  • Tracking links have been improved
  • Bugs take been fixed

Changes in version 2.ix

  • Permission for unlimited work with GPS in the groundwork for Android ten has been added
  • For Android 10, IMEI is replaced by the application ID (only for new devices)
  • Algorithm switching tracker modes by wi-fi state has been improved
  • Bugs accept been fixed

Changes in version 2.viii

  • The ability to switch application modes by connecting/disconnecting to wi-fi networks has been added
  • �he power to quickly stop the application from notification bar has been added
  • Detailed information on setting up the application for Android 7 and college has been added
  • Adaptive track has been improved
  • Changes to the functioning of the awarding on the radio (autostart) accept been fabricated
  • Changes to algorithm "Job Schedule" have been fabricated
  • Bugs have been fixed

Changes in version 2.7

  • A new algorithm for smartphones and radio without Alarm has been introduced (Settings -> Launch through JobSchedule
  • Arrangement diagnostics (Settings -> Organization diagnostics) has been added
  • Bugs have been stock-still

Changes in version ii.six.9

  • The way to send push notifications has been changed in choice "Control via server"

Changes in version 2.6.8

  • English language translation has been added
  • Acount info has been added
  • Export/Import settings on server feature has been added
  • Bug with wrong LBS position has been fixed
  • Check version task has been modified
  • Bugs has been stock-still

Changes in version 2.half dozen.7

  • Application mistake for Android ix launching has been fixed

Changes in version 2.half dozen.6

  • Background operation for Android 8 (Oreo) has been optimized
  • Iincorrect application launch on some rooted devices has been fixed
  • According to new Google policy, which prohibits applications to use SMS messages, all application functions related to receiving/sending SMS take been removed

Changes in version 2.6.five

  • Widget for sending a text message to the service website has been added
  • Error of updating GPS data of the screen "Indicator Panel" has been stock-still
  • Crash when launching app on some devices has been fixed

Changes in version 2.6.4

  • Adaptive information drove characteristic has been added for continuos mode ("Adaptive rails")
  • New mode "Bank check Status" has been added
  • Option to display multiple screens in the main application window has been added
  • Tracker performance parameters screen has been added
  • App restart feature afterwards automatically updating from Google Play has been added

Changes in version 2.6.iii

  • Sending your own events and parameters (via control from external applications) feature has been added
  • Server control commands to block login, open settings and commencement/stop the tracker has been added
  • Tracker performance style information has been added to the notification bar
  • The colour icon shoing tracker status indicator is returned back to the system notifications for Android v+
  • Bug with disabling saving mode when GPS signal is non stable (from version 2.6.two) has been fixed
  • Minor bugs in the app operation (from version ii.6.2) has been fixed

Changes in version 2.6.two

  • Event handling (notification to the server about certain states of the tracker) has been added
  • Sending coordinate in SMS (without sending to the monitoring server) pick has been added
  • Sending coordinates to the monitoring server in SOS way choice has been added
  • Mode enabling confirmation in SOS mode has been removed
  • Data transfer protocol has been modified and expanded
  • Bug with no sending information in Android vii has been stock-still
  • Handling of tracker response to quick connexion/disconnection of charger has been corrected
  • DOZE style operation in Andoid vii has been corrected

Changes in version ii.half-dozen.ane (������� APK two.6.i)

  • The style providing right app operation when the screen is off in Android 6+ ("Wake from sleep") has been added
  • Instruction for the app groundwork functioning when the screen is off in Android 6+ has been added
  • "Control screen state" setting when an accelerometer issue occurs has been added
  • "Location accuracy" setting for saving mode has been added
  • On the registration page, now login entering volition exist performed only in lowercase
  • Ping packet mistake in saving style has been fixed
  • Importing errors for some settings has been stock-still

Changes in version 2.6

  • Accelerometer outcome handling office has been added
  • Ping-parcel sending feature when failed to determine coords has been added
  • Speed unit when writing GPX file has been changed

Changes in version 2.five.9

  • Capabilityto command the tracker from the monitoring server has been added
  • Crash when rebooting in Android 6+ has been fixed

Changes in version 2.5.8

  • Export, import and reset the app settings option has been added
  • Bug with restarting the schedule (false triggering) has been fixed

Changes in version two.5.half dozen

  • The app has been adapted for correct performance via Android half-dozen.0
  • Server data exchange is transferred to SSL encryption protocol (HTTPS)
  • Bugs has been stock-still

Changes in version 2.five.5

  • Increasing stability in continuous fashion characteristic has been addedl
  • Minimum transfering threshold in continuous manner changed to 1 sec
  • Minor updates in the LBS coords collection module has been fabricated

Changes in version 2.5.4

  • Capability to update version via the awarding has been added
  • Automatic and transmission checking for updates option has been added
  • Listing of version changes has been added
  • Blocking widgets option has been added
  • Capability to make the app a device ambassador has been added
  • Protection from "start-cease" fast switching has been added
  • Non-killability level of the app has been improved:
  • - The app stopping by Swipe has been fixed
    - The style checking and forced stops detecting features accept been added
  • Minor bugs has been stock-still

Changes in version 2.5.three

  • Check for using imitation coordinates function has been added
  • SMS command for quick geofence determination around tracker location has been added
  • Error occuring with links in some cases has been fixed

Changes in version 2.5.2

  • Issues with writing to file when SD card is unavailable has been stock-still
  • Ither light improvements has been fabricated

Changes in version ii.5.1

  • Adding a device to account module has been improved
  • Multiple links option has been added
  • Additional result logging has been added

Changes in version ii.4.vii

  • Switching tracker modes by ability state option has been added
  • Information transfer protoco has been extended. New parameters: GPS signal accuracy, HDOP, ability state and battery temperature
  • HDOP is saved when recording rails in GPX format
  • File names format for tracks and logs has been modified for easier sorting
  • Login/registration module improvements have been integrated

Changes in version 2.4.half dozen

  • Bug in the registration module for devices with big screen resolution has been stock-still.

Changes in version ii.iv.5

  • Recording track to file option has been added
  • Login and registration modules for users of the hosting system ( have been modified
  • Irresolute the app folder for storing additional data (tracks, logs) pick has been added
  • Password encryption algorithm in requests to the monitoring server has been improved

Changes in version 2.iv.iv

  • The app performance with an external GPS module has been restored
  • Bug with logging when this setting is disabled has been stock-still
  • Power consumption in saving way has been reduced.
  • Logging of the app events has been extended.

Changes in version ii.iv.3

  • Commencement after reboot option has been updated

Changes in version 2.3

  • ��������� ����������� ���������� ��������.

Changes in version 2.2

  • ��������� ����������� ���������� �������� �� ��������� ����������.

Changes in version

  • Collect detailed log of the app choice has been added
  • Corporeality of data when sending links via Email has been increased
  • Bug with double coordinates has been fixed
  • Bug with location via LBS in saving style has been fixed
  • Bug with periodic crash of tracking in continuous mode has been stock-still

Changes in version 2.0

  • Custom data transfer protocol has been implemented.
  • The storage mechanism for accumulated coords queue has been redesigned.
  • Queue size viewing, clearing and sending options accept been added
  • Bug with the loss of queue later on turning smartphone off or stopping tracking with "End" button has been fixed
  • Adequacy to delay sending coords to the server afterward they were collected from GPS receiver (only for continuous style) has been added
  • Capability to determine coords via cell sites if GPS positioning failed has been added
  • Tracker control widget (commencement, stop, saving manner) has been added.
  • Widget for SOS button has been added.
  • "IMEI" settings editing choice has been added
  • Additional SMS commands take been added
  • Capability to connect a smartphone with the app as a paid tracker (when free devices limit is exceeded)
  • Notification nearly off status of GPS and GSM modules when starting the tracker has been added
  • Issues with displaying when processing �get� SMS control has been stock-still

Changes in version 1.ii

  • Capability to command the tracker via SMS has been added
  • Capability to register in the service via the app has been added
  • Gps status indicator in the notification panel

Changes in version ane.1

  • Easy switching betwixt request and sending coords modes has been added
  • Capability to share a rail link via social networks, SMS or email has been added
  • Editing SMS text selection has been added
  • Pop-up tip when borer on GPS indicator has been added
  • Pop-upward tip when borer on GPS indicator has been added
  • Problems with wrong displaying driving direction has been fixed

Changes in version 1.0

  • Commencement version.

Download Gps Software for Sd Card



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